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Number of people with the title of Publ Educ Spec 1 : 28
Maximum Total Pay & Benefits:$ 71,158.00
Average Total Pay & Benefits:$ 40,188.14
Minimum Total Pay & Benefits:$ 860.00

University of California Salaries for 2019Page 1 of 1
Name Title Base Pay Overtime Pay Other Pay Benefits Total Pay Total Pay & Benefits
Price, Elizabeth Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 44,201.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 26,957.00 $ 44,201.00 $ 71,158.00
Milam, Georgina Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 50,008.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 20,874.00 $ 50,008.00 $ 70,882.00
Barajas, Grace Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 47,886.00 $ 191.00 $ 0.00 $ 21,142.00 $ 48,077.00 $ 69,219.00
Perera, Judith Dingatantrige Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 42,000.00 $ 3,449.00 $ 0.00 $ 22,810.00 $ 45,449.00 $ 68,259.00
Moore, Hannah Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 44,606.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 21,320.00 $ 44,606.00 $ 65,926.00
Takimoto, Keeley Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 48,266.00 $ 1,465.00 $ 0.00 $ 13,483.00 $ 49,731.00 $ 63,214.00
Heras, Emely Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 48,684.00 $ 0.00 $ 500.00 $ 11,618.00 $ 49,184.00 $ 60,802.00
Thiam, Mamadou Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 34,745.00 $ 2,179.00 $ 2,972.00 $ 19,888.00 $ 39,896.00 $ 59,784.00
Leach, Susan M Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 38,614.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 20,357.00 $ 38,614.00 $ 58,971.00
Saragoza, Bridgette Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 43,651.00 $ 214.00 $ 19.00 $ 13,489.00 $ 43,884.00 $ 57,373.00
Cervantes, Ruth Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 44,204.00 $ 53.00 $ 0.00 $ 12,732.00 $ 44,257.00 $ 56,989.00
Ogle, Heather Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 42,844.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 13,169.00 $ 42,844.00 $ 56,013.00
Liu, Emily Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 51,186.00 $ 522.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,605.00 $ 51,708.00 $ 54,313.00
Waiz, Mursel Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 41,349.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 12,431.00 $ 41,349.00 $ 53,780.00
Foulk, Audrey Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 36,806.00 $ 949.00 $ 420.00 $ 4,625.00 $ 38,175.00 $ 42,800.00
Martinez, Rosa Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 30,789.00 $ 572.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,487.00 $ 31,361.00 $ 34,848.00
Knudsen, Jennifer Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 20,640.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 12,618.00 $ 20,640.00 $ 33,258.00
Duran, Naomi S Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 23,481.00 $ 267.00 $ 836.00 $ 3,287.00 $ 24,584.00 $ 27,871.00
Giang, Dinh Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 19,608.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 5,303.00 $ 19,608.00 $ 24,911.00
Tong, Thao Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 15,763.00 $ 349.00 $ 0.00 $ 5,863.00 $ 16,112.00 $ 21,975.00
Belloso, Rebecca Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 17,248.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,487.00 $ 17,248.00 $ 20,735.00
provided, Not Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 18,555.00 $ 102.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 18,657.00 $ 18,657.00
provided, Not Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 17,582.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 17,582.00 $ 17,582.00
Guia, Sherry Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 7,324.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 7,324.00 $ 7,324.00
Liedle, John Stephen Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 3,536.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,536.00 $ 3,536.00
Young, Karin Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 2,198.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 967.00 $ 2,198.00 $ 3,165.00
Rashada, Rasheedah Z Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 464.00 $ 0.00 $ 599.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,063.00 $ 1,063.00
Bourland, Delanee Publ Educ Spec 1 $ 860.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 860.00 $ 860.00

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